Sponsor our Long-Term Foster Dogs
Would you like to help support our ‘Long-Term Foster’ dogs? By choosing to become a sponsor today, you are giving vulnerable dogs a second chance at life, whatever their age, health condition or medical needs. Your sponsorship will go towards ensuring our lovely Long-Term Foster dogs have the best level of care and support throughout their lives.
Our Long-Term Foster Scheme provides lifelong care for dogs who often don’t get much chance of adoption due to their age, or health and the related ongoing costs. When the charity takes a dog into this scheme, we guarantee that the dog is supported for the rest of its life by covering vet bills and medicines, as well as being on hand for advice and support when needed to ensure that every dog gets its happy ever after in their forever foster home.
For just £5 per month you could become a sponsor today, or sign up for one year’s sponsorship for a one-off payment of £50. Simply download the Sponsorship Form below to get started, and return via email to aireworthdogsinneed@gmail.com

What is included in your sponsorship?
At Aireworth Dogs in Need you don’t sponsor an individual dog, instead you sponsor the whole group of lovely Long-Term Foster dogs. That means there’s a lot of dogs for you to get to know!
You’ll receive a Welcome Pack with your very own Sponsorship Certificate, Keyring & Bookmark. Throughout the year you’ll get three further updates about our charity and the lovely Long Term Foster dogs you’re helping. In each update you’ll get to know more of the dogs, and see how your support is making a difference to their lives.
Sponsorship FAQ’s
Where do the foster dogs live?
Our Long Term Foster dogs all live with people who have opened up their homes and hearts to dogs who are older, or have complex care needs. ADIN covers the cost of their long-term care, such as vet bills for any illnesses, operations or ongoing medications. We also provide access to any other care the LTF dogs may need, such as physio, hydrotherapy or behavioural support.
As they are all in homes it is not possible to visit our LTF dogs. In fact we do not have a centre to visit at all, we are a completely foster based charity.
Where does my sponsorship go?
Your sponsorship contribution will be used to care for our Long Term Foster Dogs and all other dogs within ADIN’s care.
The money is used to cover the costs of vet bills, equipment, special diets, training and behavioural support and more. Ultimately, your donation goes to helping us ensure each dog receives the best possible care.
What will I receive?
- Sponsorship pack
Once we have received your completed form and have received your first payment we will then dispatch your sponsorship pack within 14 days.
Your sponsorship pack will contain – Your Welcome letter, Certificate, and Free gifts (an Aireworth Dogs in Need Keyring & Bookmark)**
- Updates
We will send you updates on our Long Term Foster dogs three times per year
**Please note that we reserve the right to amend the free gifts sent in the Sponsorship Pack without prior consultation. Whilst we strive to ensure everything is as described, there may be occasions where we need to make changes.
Can I buy Sponsorship as a gift?
Yes of course, please fill out their details in the additional ‘Recipient’s details’ box. Please provide their name and address at an absolute minimum to enable us to send out their sponsorship pack.
How do the payments work?
You can select a monthly amount of £5 per month, or an annual amount of £50 per year (giving you a £10 saving over the monthly option).
- To arrange a regular monthly payment of £5.00 you can set this up via your own bank, as a regular standing order. Our bank details are on the form.
- To pay a one-off annual fee of £50.00, this can be done via your online faster internet payments. Our bank details are on the form.
- Follow the same methods above if you are wishing to donate a different amount each month and specify your chosen level of sponsorship on your form.
What if I need to cancel my sponsorship?
We understand that sometimes our situations change and you may no longer be able to Sponsor our Long Term Foster Dogs. If you need to cancel then please do inform us.
- To cancel monthly donations you must cancel your standing order with your bank.
- If you paid a one-off payment then there is nothing to cancel with your bank. Your sponsorship will last for 12 months from your initial payment and will not automatically renew. We are unable to issue refunds if you wish to cancel part way through the year, however please notify us if you no longer wish to receive updates.
How will you use my data?
We promise to always treat your personal details with care. Your information will be used directly in relation to your sponsorship. Your email address and phone number are contact methods should we need to query anything with your sponsorship. If you have opted to make a one off donation we will contact you at the end of the one year Sponsorship period to see if you wish to continue your sponsorship.
Your date of birth allows us to see that you are an adult (18 years of age or over). Although a gift of sponsorship may be given to a child, we require an adult’s details to set this up and take payment.
We would never sell your information – The details you have provided will not be shared outside of Aireworth Dogs in Need. For more information on this please visit the privacy section of our website – https://aireworthdogsinneed.co.uk/privacy/
I’d like to make a general donation, or help in another way – how can I do this?
Thank you for wanting to help us further! Take a look at the sections on our website called ‘Donate’ and ‘Volunteer’ which explain other ways in which you may be able to help – https://www.aireworthdogsinneed.co.uk/support-us/
How can I get in touch with you?
You can reach us at aireworthdogsinneed@gmail.com, via the contact form on our website, or give us a call on 07551 891 117.
Meet our Long-Term Foster Dogs
Hi from little Bailey – I am so happy to have my very own forever foster dad. He makes sure that I get well looked after and I have trained him well, so he knows just what I like and don’t like. I did hear someone say I was rather a tricky little pooch to re home -but me and my chappie -well we get on just fine -its great to have my forever home.
Hi folks my name is Billy and I am 16 years young. I joined Aireworth in May 2024 after my beloved owner couldnt look after me any more. The kennels I was in kindly reached out to Adin and voila I now have a new foster daddy.
Thanks for reading my story, if you could help by sponsoring me that means another dog can also get the help it needs .
Pupdate and a pre christmas warning-Dogs shouldn’t eat chocolate -but I didn’t realise that and snaffled one of my foster dads birthday gifts recently, it was still wrapped but hey that didn’t stop a little terrier like me-one worried foster dad, 1 trip to the vets and 1 expensive bill -but I am fine thanks. Warning to all canine carers-keep the Christmas goodies out of our reach please-now where did he hide the mince pies I wonder?
Hiya my name is Buster and I joined the long term foster dogs group recently as sadly no one suitable came forward to adopt me when I came in to the Adin family. Though actually thats great for me as my lovely foster family now get to keep me forever with a little help and support from the Aireworth team. I can be a rather prickly character when it comes to being near other dogs but I love playing at home and my special trips to a secure field where I can run about without the worry of other pooches–win win!
Hiya my name is Butch and I joined Aireworth long term foster dogs in Nov 2021 and I am the baby of the group at only 6 years young. They say I am rather a special boy as I have recovered really well after having a permanent tracheostomy preformed, though I do have other health issues too which my lovely foster mum and dad and the ADIN team are on the case with. I think I am rather special even if I am proving very expensive—if could you help out by sponsoring me that would be Ace…ta muchly from the Butch.
Update -I am now having a special injection regularly to help my pain thanks to ADIN, so I can get up to all sorts of mischief now-look out for me in our 2023 calendar…
October 23—Oh dear back to the vets again as I am now having a lot of problems with my funny little tail which means I need yet another operation !! I really appreciate those kind people who are sponsoring me as it is going to be a tricky and expensive time….
January 24 ..me again-tail..what tail?..someone at the vets stole it and I have had all sorts of bother since then, I think I may have to complain…..
December 24-hi again just in case you were wondering I am doing sort of okay me and mum keep checking out at the vets as the painkillers for my pesky joints needed adjusting -so I am now trying yet some more medication
Hi from me – Harry. Very pleased to be one of Aireworth’s long term foster pooches. I am one special little fella -I enjoy a comfy sofa and good food and my walks, though I do have some issues and I need to do things in my time and at my level or I can be a bit snappy. I needed a very patient and committed foster Dad -thank goodness the team found me one and helped with some advice to manage my little quirks and foibles. Thank you so much guys
Hi from me -the newbie pooch on the block. I have just been taken in by one of Aireworth foster mums and I am one happy boy-food comfy sofa and cuddles- what more can a lad like me want?–oh maybe a few extra treats please!
Pupdate Dec 24-no longer the newbie, I am now very settled and as for my foster mum-well her training is coming along nicely and we get on very well together. Cheers
Pupdate Jan 25-oh blimey– my teeth were really troubling me recently as sadly they were not looked after when I was younger. Luckily my foster mum realised there was something wrong and hey presto-after a vet check and a rather expensive dental operation, I don’t have many teeth left but the ones I do are lovely and clean and healthy and I can eat more comfortably. Thanks everyone for helping to keep me well.
Hi from little chap Loki -the latest pooch to join the long term foster family. I have just been taken in by one of Aireworth wonderful foster families and I am one sad confused little fella -food, comfort and cuddles are what I need just now I am not in very good health and need attention from the vet which is being arranged. I came with just my name … but I now have my own collar, lead, harness, a warm coat, bowls and a bed and treats and it turns out I love playing with a ball.. who knew !! There is a little life in me yet .. would you like to help fund my care and treatment ? -it wont be for long as I am nearly 14 years old and pretty frail I am seeing the vet and having treatment now so all good. Thankyou so much…Loki
December 24 pupdate-well for a frail old boy I an still plodding along ,enjoying my walks, not quite so my regular trips to see the vet-but between us I still keep going- thanks to the Adin team and all you sponsors who help towards my vet bills.
I joined ADIN in March 2024 I may be a senior lady but I love life . My foster mum loves the larger ladies like myself and guess what she has fallen for my charm and cuddleability!! It is such a relief to know I can stay with her for the rest of my life and enjoy our trips to the secure field which I love. I dont need to worry any more.
I joined the ADIN family in 2022 and went to live with a lovely foster mum who looked after me so well. Sadly recently her health changed and she wasn’t able to look after me any more. Luckily the Adin team stepped up to my rescue yet again and now I have a new foster dad,I am one lucky boy. At 15 years old I also have my own health problems but I have see the nice vet man again who has given my foster dad some medication -Ha ..good luck with giving me that -this boy can spot hidden medication a mile off….
pupdate Jan 25..I now have a new long term foster mummy who is just brilliant. I needed an operation to remove my eye as it was causing me a lot of pain and have also had lots of rotten teeth removed too. They say I am doing really well…hope that means more treats??!!
Molly and Milly
We joined the ADIN family in March 2023 and we are bonded sisters 12 years young. We lived with our lovely dad since we were 7 weeks old, however he sadly passed away a few weeks ago and we have been hoping to find another loving home with a new foster family. We are both on long term medication so its a huge relief to know we will be looked after for the rest of our lives.
January 24 well we are certainly getting to know lots of lovely people while we test out some of the fosterers ! What we really need is that special someone who can deal with our little accidents and let us out regularly for toileting and who wont mind if we have accidents inside sometimes…anyone? -we promise to be on our best super cutest behaviour…
Pupdate february 24-yeah we have a new foster mum- she is our forever mum.
Pupdate July 24-we both have further health problems and now on extra medication, but we still love our walks and we have our foster mum fully trained now to ensure we get all we want!!
Olly and Cleo
We joined the ADIN family in June 24 and we are bonded siblings just 13 years young. Brother Olly has a suspected auto immune condition and needed massive dental work when he arrived and his sister Cleo is blind and also needs major dental operations -she has had her first one and awaiting her second next month. They had a super temporary foster mum who sadly due to her own health problems was unable to keep these 2 cuddle bugs, but they have now moved to a lovely experienced couple where they have settled in beautifully.
Hi from me… the Hooch -I am a really super friendly young chap who loves my humans . I have lived with my foster family and have been waiting patiently to be adopted for ages now. Sadly I have several health issues which the vets and Adin are trying to help my foster family sort out and this makes me an expensive Dude! As my foster family have fallen in love with me and no adopters seem to want to take me on-I have now joined the long term foster family. If you can sponsor me that would be just fine and dandy -many thanks
Update Nov 23 I now need special hypo allergenic food which is super expensive but luckily thanks to you lovely supporters we are able to get this provided by my Adin friends….Fanks guys!!
Pupdate feb 2024–Oopsie-I was just helping out with some leftover Chinese -from the bin! Who knew I wasn’t allowed to eat it and the skewers…! an operation and over £3000 later -you will be pleased to hear I am doing ok
Hi from new girl Roxy -I am a really friendly old girl who loves everyone. Sadly my owner wasn’t able to look after me anymore but luckily the great Aireworth team have taken me in and found me a fabulous new foster mum. I am a bit sad just now as I had lived with my owner since I was a pup, but I am getting lots of love and cuddles and I know life will be just fine now I am safe. I do need to see the vets soon to sort out a few health problems and If you can sponsor me that would be just fab -many thanks.
Pupdate February 2024– oh no having a little zoomie led to me injuring my cruciate ligament so one operation later and I now need 6 weeks strict crate rest with very restricted exercise-Oh bother …I am not a happy girl
Pupdate May 2024–yeah I am now fully healed and out of the pesky crate and I am allowed unlimited walks again -thank goodness-no more zoomies for me-well maybe just little ones. Unfortunately my lovely foster mum cannot look after me any more due to failing health, so I now have a new foster family, which is fabulous and I can have lots of great walks daily now. I was very sad to leave my lovely foster mum Sheila and she will always have a little corner of my heart just for her-as she rescued me when I needed it.
Hi from me Shiba I am a huge fluffy lady who needed a very special home -as I am a real outdoor girl !! I was lucky enough to get handed over to the ADIN team who worked very hard to get me just right the home I needed. I have lots of attention and cuddles and I can spend lots of time watching the world go by -thanks everyone for supporting my care in my forever home
Hi from me Stan the man -I am a really friendly staffie -I was lucky enough to go and live with my foster mum since I arrived in June 2024. I have lots of fun and cuddles. Boy what a relief ….as at 13 years young I didn’t know if anyone would want me -thanks everyone
Hi from me Storm -I am a really friendly fluffy lad who loves life -I have been with my foster family since I came into Aireworth in Aug 2021 and was patiently waiting to be adopted. Sadly though, despite my lovely smile -no one came forward to adopt me, but I have really settled with my foster mum and dad and had lots of fun, love and cuddles. I know life will be just fine now because just the best thing ever has happened-they have decided to keep me forever as their own long term foster pooch-how fabulously fantastic is that? I do need to have regular medication now so If you can sponsor me that would be just fab -many thanks.
I am Tannie a much loved old lad whose daddy sadly passed away-I am waiting to move in with my new my foster mum and join the Aireworth family as soon as my new mum comes back from her holiday. I do have a bit of a dicky ticker but am on regular medications which keep me going If you can help sponsor me that would really help out with the cost of my medication – thanks ever so much.